
why? #redundantcoworkers

  • 6
    High fives for the random closing span tag within the label :)
  • 5
    Seems like that Dreamweaver/Frontpage is broken 😂
  • 1
    your coworker who wrote this code needs a big stick on their head 😂😂😂😂
  • 2
    They have to look busy doing something.
  • 1
    @cahva lol that's what they use too. xD
  • 2
    @masterbetty yeah. they are old school af. they are still using font tags and deprecated tags lol
  • 5
    There is only one solution.

    Burn them all.
  • 1
    This is brilliant! 😂😂😂
  • 2
    *sign of the cross*
  • 1
    @kshep92 even God can't believe this shit lol.
  • 0
    you guys don't even want to see other files. The nesting of these guys is terrible. So debugging is a bitch because of that xD
  • 2
    Looks like the HTML got sick and vomited.
  • 1
    @rallport looks to me like one of those massive copy/paste WTFs
  • 1
    Sweet Jesus that is horrible. Are they really using Dreamweaver or some wysiwyg as that is the only time I've seen that level of obnoxious nbsp; just to add padding etc? Furthermore they should be ashamed of themselves.
  • 1
    @donkeyScript they are using dreamweaver. Lol
  • 0
    @surgiie I feel for you. I would go insane. Do they also use a table based layout?
  • 2
    @donkeyScript yes lol, were remaking one of their sites and I've removed a lot of table layouts and swapped it with bootstrap layouts. it's a small company so it's only 3 developers including myself, the other 2 are "senior" level. These other guys have been in this field for like 15 years vs my 2 years and I feel like I'm more "senior" than they are xD
  • 1
    @surgiie holy shit! I'm lost for words... Are you sure you have not used a time machine and warped to year 2000?
  • 1
    This made me cry. You've just made a grown man cry actual man tears. I hope you're proud of yourself.
  • 1
    there is also an empty label and a font size in points... argh
  • 0
    @idiazroncero they love font tags -_-
  • 2
    @surgiie is this what DreamWeaver does?

    I just got Adobe CC and I'm looking through some of the newer apps. I only just clicked install on DreamWeaver to see if it's still as awful as I remember!

    *cancels dl*
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