
Great browser indeed.
High res screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/JEk2521

  • 2
    @RantSomeWhere No idea to be honest. @fuck2code, wherever you are, hope you'll come back home soon!
  • 4
    Oh wow... Looks like Edge just couldn't upgrade to HTTPS. Every single other browser out there - I think even IE! - can do automatic HTTPS upgrade based on HTTP response by the listener on port 80. But it turns out that Edge featurefully ignores that common standard, as is to be expected from Microshit. Thanks a lot, Redmond certified enganeers! May your craptacular abomination of "web browser" die in hell!
  • 3
    F2C has been gone for at least 3 or 4 days.

    That's when I noticed he went missing
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