
Question about google crawler (?)

So, got a question, hopefully you have an answer.

I have a personal website that went up about 2 months ago that has a contact form.

Today I got two emails sent to me. This is the way I have coded it up.

But take a look at the name and message fields. I wonder if this is a google crawler submitting the form by any chance. I also got another email around the same time where the message and name field are reversed.

Anyone else experience this?

  • 6
    It is not Google's crawler. It is some spambot.
  • 0
    @undef What is a deep anime voice?
  • 2
    See access logs - the answer is there. I'm pretty sure it's not google
  • 0
    That's a failed SQL Injection.
  • 2
    Unsafe contact forms can make a spam relay via email header injection: https://dzone.com/articles/...

    So someone might try to submit an email and insert one of their own emails. If they receive the test email on their account, they know this is open to header injection, and they can start abusing that as spam relay. Very devastating to the website because it will be blacklisted in many lists.
  • 0

    I wouldn’t mind the good folks over at google lending me a hand doing my job.


    My thought exactly.
  • 0
    @oudalally that I would not mind as well.
  • 0
    @Scipio @oudalally I've given a handjob to a Googler, does that count?
  • 0
    @oudalally even the servers?
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