
So...this is the type of security my isp's site uses πŸ˜….

  • 9
    IMPOSSIBLE to crack for bots
  • 3
    @jonii oh no no, google's auto ML was designed to crack this stuff but it failed and that is why it was later decided to use it for measly tasks like AI and stuff πŸ˜‚
  • 7
    not even fucking https
  • 2
    Side effects of reservation
  • 2
    Much security more wow
  • 1
    Bots won't be prepared to see thatπŸ˜‚
  • 1
    Wait, they want credit card information over Non secure web 😱

    I’d be switching ISP, they obviously don’t care about your information.
  • 0
    @C0D4 no no. they don't care about the privacy, that's another thing but they use secure gateway for payment which accepts the credit card info
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