Embed a html into another.
Hey guys
Having a problem here.
I want to embed html files into a main file, so they are called when a button is pressed.
what is the best way?
tried iframe but got a box with borders that I can't resize.
tried js document.write but does nothing.
any other, maby easy way?

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    ok, I think I may have found it, with

    <embed src="aboutme.html">
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    Nah, embed sucks even more
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    I want to make a webapp with Bulma.

    I could do Divs, but that would be a lot of code for one file...

    I want to split it, one html for the menu, other for the footer, and lots of others for the section.

    Even my tutorials can't be placed by code, I would get a 1mb file in no time.
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    @Brosyl Also, just trying here... googling and trying everything I find.

    I know I've already done it before...
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    This vaguely resembles shadow DOM and html modules *I think*
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    Er.... explain??

    Gonna go with iframes for now, but can't remove the scrolling bar and must use a fixed weight...

    2nd Question, can I place a percentage weight to the section, so it would fill the space and push the footer to the bottom?
  • 1
    Well, I did it , with scrolling="no"

    But that will be deprecated soon...

    <iframe src="aboutme.html" style="" seamless allowfullscreen frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>







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    @theKarlisK well, didn't find it yet :/
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    @Brosyl that might work...
    Helping my father now :p
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    Oh... It's working now...

    Maby was reloading from cache?

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    @Brosyl yah... Been happening a lot to me.
    Even when I installed Apache in my android phone, I had a bad time removing it because... The browser was loading from cache.
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