
i'm currently working on a FOSS project with 2 friends and try to do some kind of VHDL (virtual hardware description language) code generator in javascript
the more i think about the structure i need to build, the possible combinations, the automation of describing all components, yada yada yada, the more i get this feeling it's becoming an NP problem ... or at least a very big algorithm😅😐
let alone the problem of saving the whole goddamn code in files downloadable by the client via javascript🙄
heard of nodejs that supports file handling, might try that🤔

  • 0
    There's a Haskell derivative called Clash which is basically a functional HDL
    You can generate that instead, should be way easier to target than VHDL
    Then use Clash to spit out VHDL code for you.

    Also, VHDL is VHSIC HDL, or to use the expanded form, Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language.
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    @RememberMe ok, never heard of that but i think i'll stick to javascipt for now and somehow do it🤨
    yeah i looked it up once, when i saw that long title i thought "alright someone just wanted to make it sound very fancy" 😅
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    @cb219 nah, I'm saying that you use JS to generate Clash code which then compiles down to VHDL via the Clash compiler.

    Trying to generate legit VHDL is a pain.
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    @RememberMe oh god, clash looks ... 😐😅
    trying real hard with vhdl via javascript😅😅😌
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