
running animal: ios

  • 1
    I can't agree. Even though I changed my iPhone to HTC, because the battery was the biggest disaster in my life since ages, I would go back now without any doubt if they did something with the battery life
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    @tmarc have you tried iPhone 6s plus?
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    @minutti Not really, 5.5" is way too much for me, 5 inches is the absolute limit
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    I'm not with you on this no
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    No battery lasts forever. I've had my iPhone 6 for a year and I'm only just noticing a decline in battery function.

    Have you heard of iFixit? They sell all the tools and parts to replace your battery and make it like new.
  • 0
    Noobs everywhere.
    Noobs trying to degrade an efficient OS just because they don't like it.
    Noobs bragging about a troubled creation.
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