
So decided to take a step back and build an interpreter for a custom version of BASIC for the cosmos kernel and a way to learn python but can we just take a moment to admire how BASIC is designed...

It is such a well designed, open and malleable language to design for specific needs...

Except visual basic, fuck visual basic, fuck it with a rake...

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    Care to elaborate what's wrong with vb? it has been a ride since basic to vb6 to current .net, but I can't see why you'd throw a fit about it, except that microsoft doesn't love it as much as C#, since sharp is getting all the QOL updates and new features.
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    @JoshBent honestly I don't know. It just really doesn't sit with me at all, just doesn't really seem as tightly designed imo
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    @lxmcf so can't really find anything that's wrong with it, but so strongly opinionated against it? weird, guess people ran out of PHP jokes to fill their rants and comments 😉
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    @JoshBent haha fair point, it's sort of hard to pin point why I don't like it
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