
I wanna buy a RasPi, what's your advice as to what model I should get?

Its purpose would be being a web server, mainly. Also, if you have any suggestions for addons or additional stuff, please let me know :)

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    Yes, I reposted this question because I hadn't made my point clear and couldn't edit it anymore :(
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    If you only need a webserver I think a pi zero is more than enough except if you expect a lot of traffic or database operations on it. Like the 3b+ is like 30 bucks more.
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    @Jifuna The traffic would be pretty much just me and the scripts I make (running on themselves, not many interactions). Do you think a zero is suitable?
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    @Alice B-b-but... It's not a project idea I'm asking for... :(
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    @Alice I'll actually read your PDF, wait a second
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    @TheOct0 I think the zero is more than capable enough to do that. Only thing you need to know is that it only has 512mb of ram so if you gonna use for example mysql a lot it can be tricky. (My server is using 1gb on this moment with a few database operations every 15 minutes)
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    @Alice That's a great idea actually. Or at least, a good one. Too sad I don't have the required electronics skills... Or a RasPi, for that matter. Me being me though, I would 100% go for it if I had the means :)
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    @Jifuna How would you define "a lot"?
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    @Alice Or you could host a mainstream website on your card and use the overheating to toast things. That's killing two bread slices with one stone.
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    @TheOct0 For example mysql on my server is using 1gig on this moment, its on for a week and got like 500 requests (most of them the last 24h). So if you gonna use mysql you will be better of using a more expensive model I guess. For a static site its completely okay.
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    @Jifuna And if I were to use mySQL? Which one would you recommend?
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    @TheOct0 I don't know the price difference in your country but pi 2 model b or pi 3 model b. Both have 1gig ram.
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    Get an orange pi, half the price and double the performance. The gpio drivers are shit, but you dont need that for a webserver
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    @Jifuna Thanks :)

    @sharktits Is it from the Raspberry line of product? Or is it something else?
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    @snaz Would you trust the Orange Pi that was mentioned above or would you recommend sticking to this one? The Orange on seems very good specs-wise, but... The seller, the whole AliExpress thing, and overall quality of the product are concerning me a little.
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    @snaz It would mainly be used as a personal VPS, for things I make. I'll expand on it at the end of this comment if you're interested.

    And also, the Orange Pi is cheaper than the 3B+ but seems better, so that's why I'm asking for your opinion.


    A list of things I'd use this for:

    - MySQL server for personal project under development

    - Maybe a personal website

    - 24/7 running scripts

    - Maybe a PiHole

    - Overall, nothing heavily public, but still requiring to be able to endure some workload.
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    @snaz And as far as trusting an unknown competitor to Raspberry selling their product on AliExpress for 2x cheaper than them? That's the part I'm worried about

    EDIT: What Pi do you own?
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    @njpugh90 Thanks :)
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    I have 3 different oranges and a bunch of pi zeroes, they all work well. Aliexpress is fine but you can get them on ebay if u wanna use paypal
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    They sell it cheaper bc the schemtaics for the raspberry are (were) open source and its way cheaper to get parts in china
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    @sharktits Thanks man. I'll keep the 3B+ and the Orange pi in mind and choose from there :)
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    i'd get a pi3 & make sure to put a firewall on it the bot traffic is ridiculous fyi
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