
Using Windows.
So frustrated. Do people use it to get things not done? Or do they use it to annoy others?

  • 10
    I've always been a Windows guy. Linux is good for many things, but I feel that getting serious stuff done takes ages. Configuration, messing around, more configuration, etc, and suddenly it's bed time.
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    @620hun, I am assuming that you never gave a GOOD try to Linux.
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    @itch96 I don't know what counts as a good try. Every year I install it, try to like it, then end up deleting it. It's just not for me. I'm a pragmatic guy, I like things getting done. I don't particularly care what happens behind the scenes until I can get the job done.
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    Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Suse, Mint, so far
  • 12
    I think that windows 10 with built in bash is fucking great.
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    @Dacexi, windows with built in bash? are you from the future or was that a sarcasm?
  • 3
    @itch96 win10 redstone update
  • 7
    @itch96 not at all. Windiws 10 Anniversary update my friend. Settings>Updates And Security>For Developers>Enable Developer Mode then go to windows features and enable linux bash (Beta), restart and you're set :)
  • 0
    @NoNameCode @itch96 I'll give Mint another try. However, is there any way to disable the touchpad while a mouse is plugged in? That bugged me so much and I couldn't find a way to fix it. I found an app that was supposed to do it, but it didn't work.
  • 1
    started with DOS 20+ years ago, switched to Windows after that (Win95), went to osx after windows 7 (couple of years ago), and now I'm more and more considering switching to Linux. Is that evolution or just picking the wrong team the whole time?
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    @NoNameCode Yes, it's possible. At least with the factory driver.
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    @NoNameCode I have big hands and I always end up touching it by accident.
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    I've been using a MS OS since ms-dos. One year ago I'd had enough of their shit and installed Ubuntu. Best decision ever.

    Now when I have to work on a Windows machine I can't believe how clunky, slow and restrictive it feels.
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    @Filmaluco ++ for minecraft.
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    I've always been a windows fan since 3.1 that's what they had when I was at school, once you get windows running the way you want it I've never had trouble until they started bugging me to upgrade to 10 and that's when I decided to switch to Ubuntu. I'm still learning now, lots more interesting behind the scene stuff if that's what you like. However I do miss a few certain bits of software for Windows though. Luckily VB comes in handy for that. Each to there own I say
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    @620hun I find that odd we all use Linux at work and the slowest guy is the "senior dev" and he runs Windows. He has to reinstall monthly...
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    @620hun try Fedora :D
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    office 2016 vs libreoffice or Photoshop vs gimp... I like professional software not toys :)
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    Don't know man. Stepped from windows to Linux about six years ago and never ever going back. Even my parents and sister use it.
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    @620hun Never tried that... but I have a hardware key for that anyways so yeah...
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    I was forced to use Linux on my desktop when I was a junior dev because my cto was a fanatic... then luckily my boss bought me a MacBook pro... then I left the company and I'm the cto in my current one so I can use what I want :) but I really don't see any advantage in Linux vs Windows/mac... I spend a lot of time to set up Linux servers, I don't want yet another machine to set up and customize...
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    @nuts native docker containers (even just cgroups) for a start.
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    @620hun try CentOS. Very easy to set up and configure. I use *nix to learn new things on, like Cassandra and Hortonworks, and a Win for Fallout 4.
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