When I was traveling on the road and playing around with some code...

  • 15
    Awesome picture and awesome spot!
  • 7
    Looks calm and comfortable
  • 3
    Awesome! What sort of code were you working on? :)
  • 7
    @kzisme For something different than the heavy Java or C++ I normally do, while I was on the road, I made these super simple games with HTML, CSS, and pure JavaScript (no frameworks).

    This was some code to attempt Pong.
  • 8
    It this me, or this line is rhyming?
  • 1
    Blue keyboard :D
  • 3
    @Pogromist to match the cover :p
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    @sleepyDevHead what laptop is it?
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    @pionell Mac Book Pro
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    @itzyzex Please clarify. Who or what are you asking "why" to or towards?
  • 2
    I can never dare to keep the laptop on my legs, at the corner of the fall 😅😅😭😭
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    @Electrux Haha! Same! I was safely tucked between sun-warmed rocks. ;)
  • 1
    @sleepyDevHead well, that's still a very dangerous thing, if laptop falls that is...
    My laptop (macbook) fell like 1.5 feet and the screen cracked... Had to get it replaced... $1500...

    Never shall I dare to get careless with my laptop 😅😅
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    @bigus-dickus There could have totally been a bear. I hung out with a crane for a few.
  • 0
    Why is that keyboard so blue and bright? It hurts my eyes and looks like it was photoshopped...
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    Working while travelling is such an art
  • 1
    Sounds like you had an interesting time coding while traveling! That kind of freedom is great for creativity. Speaking of travel, if you're looking for vacation deals, BookVIP might be worth checking out https://bookvip.pissedconsumer.com/.... Just make sure to read the details carefully before booking. Some travelers mention package specifics that are important to understand upfront. Enjoy both your coding adventures and future trips!
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