Do you guys enjoy writing unit/ integration tests?

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    do you enjoy cleaning your toilet?
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    My dev usually goes like this:
    1. Write business logic
    2. Write unit tests as I go
    3. Amend/refactor business logic
    4. Delete unit tests due to compile errors and failing tests

    The first few unit tests give me that satisfying sense of doing the right thing. Then the tedium sets in and I can’t be arsed anymore.
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    Depends on codebase size, number of communication layers, and quality of project, if it’s big codebase with lots of layers it’s good to write some unit tests for oldest parts to keep track how application is behaving and run them from time to time to make sure protocol didn’t changed, or logic is not broken. If the project is small I don’t see the point.
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    Im a weird person because I actually really do. In fact, when I finish school next semester that is what I want to do.
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    @heyheni wow, your code must be total shit, for you to use that analogy
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    @telephantasm yes! in deed, because i'm a pixel pushing designer ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    My code is so bad it will make you cry.
    And my designs are technically complex. Since I've lurked here on devRant for 2.5 years daily, no lazy frontend dev can tell me "that's not posible". "yeah good try, now try harder!" muhaha 🤪

    but back to topic. Testing is a necessity. Cleaning a toilett is a necessity. But writing code and having a good dump is way more satisfying in my opinion.
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    A Dev who says something's not possible in programming, is not a true Dev.
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    Yes. It's quite satisfying to see tests pass.
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    Unit tests, yes
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    I don't enjoy writing tests, i do however love having tests when making changes to existing code so i write them.
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    When writing backend code without side effects I love it. As soon as there needs to be data mockery it sucks.
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    Yes, but only because I know what it's like being completely trapped by not having them.
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