
Today my manager got mad at me because of something i said....

Dude i just jokingly said that i didn't appreciate her attitude. Like that was it

The thing is, she didn't get mad at me in a 'i am your boss and you were out of line way"

It was more of a....gf...kind of getting mad sort of deal....and it was really odd.

I know the difference. But either way I only know how to act in 2 ways: make the girl happy or not give a fuck about it.

So i just apologized.

I already got a wife and 2 daughters to keep happy.

There is a limit my dudes, for the ammount of women a straight male can keep happy.

  • 15
    If the women aren't happy, we're absolutely fucked.

    Anytime my mom's in a bitter mood, my dad and I hide from her lol
  • 8
    Oh man

    They are definitely not going to be happy after reading this
  • 2
    @Stuxnet its a pain brother. A big pain
  • 1
    @rant1ng what? Saying that I am only focused in keeping MY girls happy? Shit ain't wrong my dud
  • 2
    @AleCx04 People can pissy easily lol.

    I don't think too many will actually bitch about this though.

    And it really is a pain. I couldn't imagine having a wife and two daughters. I feel for you man.
  • 3
    @Stuxnet das why u gotta buy me a beer if i am ever around N.C bro
  • 3
    @AleCx04 Lmao if you're ever in town give me a buzz. I feel like we could have a lot of great conversations
  • 3
    Dude your last paragraph.

    Totally understand your side. It's a milestone rant. Or precisely legen.... Wait for it .... Dery rant
  • 2
    @AleCx04 Should come to the big CLT for week one when your Cowboys are in town.

    (I actually tried to go to that game but tickets are $300 for nosebleeds so sike lol)
  • 3
    As stupid as it sounds, there's truth to the saying "Happy Wife, Happy Life"

    This goes for husband too, btw.
  • 1
    @Stuxnet man one of my biggest beefs with fotball is how damned expensive tickets are for good seats.

    Been trying to get me and my step dad to go to one in like forever but its a fuckass long drive and too much money and we are both cheap ass mofockas.

    Will definitely hit you up bro, we would most def have a good time.
  • 0
    @rookiemaverick it ain't nothing but the truth my dude!!
  • 0
    @polaroidkidd it is, but mostly wives ;___;
  • 1
    @AleCx04 The problem isn't even the teams themselves.

    It's the fucking season ticket or PSL owners that are reselling them for ridiculous prices

    Primetime Monday night and divisional rival game cost me $69 a ticket. Yeah it's nosebleeds, but you honestly have a great view even up high.

    Unless you're a fan on the Browns or Miami, then tickets likely won't be much cheaper than that.
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