
Never got why react and all those js frameworks are so popular - css and jquery will load faster and do whatever you want them to not to mention all the jquery plugins you can use for free from fancy box to owl carousel. Sometimes i feel techies like something just because its new

  • 1
    It ia a completely different technology, it is not only DOM Manipulation

    I also thing is crap, but I do suggest you read more on it.
  • 2
    Jquery is larger in size than Vue and not even close to features and "cleanliness" regarding the code. This is one funny post xD
  • 2
    Getting roasted made me actually want to use it🧐. So what i got is Vue is cooler than react since everyone talked about vue? Hmmm will give it a shot
  • 0
    @AymanH Please do and let us now what you think πŸ™ƒ
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