

I just can't list it as anything but a joke.

P.S: I didn't forget https.

  • 1
    Made with love, fear and ugly faces again...
    Is this really a "desktop version"? πŸ™ˆ
    I checked the option for that but I'm not sure...
  • 3
    @Irithyll It is, sadly. But beware, you are not using one of the listed recommended browsers!

    EDIT: Also, just try to submit something. A little tip, entering the actual customer support doesn't need the login field, you just have to choose your language.
  • 1
    Well... I am (10.0 or above)... but I'm not using this specific browser on my pc now (but on Android ofc).

    I installed IE8 with winetricks... I'll check that maybe tomorrow... maybe there it's beatiful as fuck... I hope it's looking that shitty 😝
  • 1
    @Irithyll Spoiler: It's absolute shit no matter how you look at it :)
  • 1
    Maybe it's abstract art... and we just don't get it. We're just stupid monkeys... or monkey-like creatures.

    Some people may pay several millions, billions of gold...
  • 1
    @Irithyll Here's my theory: this website has been up for a literal decade, and since someone landing on it has a problem, they'll go with anything. They don't need it to be pretty, customers wouldn't complain x)
  • 1
    I don't think someone's using it at all...

    I wouldn't want to use that... :x it's ugly... and no https... and ugly... and these pictures of creepy people... better than kids used in ads... but still 😒
  • 1
    @Irithyll I had... I... I had to use it TT_TT

    The trauma of having to use this added up to the trauma of having my sweet MSI breaking down ;-;
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