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    @rookiemaverick that's exactly what the guy who worked before me said. I will choke him to death if I find him.
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    * This is a PHPDoc to document my code
    * as requested by @souravsharan

    Check ✓
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    @souravsharan document the code is a vague statement. Document only those methods which are meant to be exposed. You can Google for a better explanation. Also, not documenting or commenting comes with greater responsibility on the writers part.
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    × adds entry to Wikipedia: "My Code" ×
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    @rookiemaverick Thank you. That was very helpful. :-|
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    "my code speaks for itself".... ¬.¬
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    And then write unit tests
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    Fine, I will document it, but no promises keeping it up to date 😎
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    Words to live by
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    At my work we have a policy of not commenting bevause the code should speak for itself. (Our code is actually pretty clean so it seems to work for us.)
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    code is supposed to be s e l f d o c u m e n t i n g
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