
Why the FUCK isnt the word Grateful spelled Greatful

  • 10
    Because there’s nothing Great about it 🤨
  • 3

    yeah and 2 l's please
  • 1
    @heyheni yeah you right
  • 0
    @theKarlisK its grate
  • 1
    I'm greatfull for this rant
  • 25
    Because it's to do with gratitude, not about being great. It's from Latin, where grate means pleasing or thankful. Saying "I'm greatful" not "grateful" instead would be close to saying you're full of greatness, not that you're thankful / gratuitous about somebody else doing something.
  • 2
    You all forgot to say “Amen”...
  • 5
    Why the fuck your name is not boobles ?
  • 6
    @vocuzi because it's impossible to say "bubbles" in an angry tone. And some people might take comfort in that :P
  • 4
    @fattymiller my old chemistry teacher tells me this a lot
  • 2
    "I'm gratefull"

    "Good for you"

    "No... I swallowed three cheese rasping devices and a 10 inch steel water drain... I'm so fucking grate-full, I think I'll die"
  • 6
    Because this
  • 2
    @fattymiller yo try British accent
  • 3
    Because we are ungreatful grateful coders ?! Or is it the other way around?
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