
All the Linux servers I manage:
Uptime 300+ days

All the Linux server I manage inside hyper-v managed by our it:
Uptime max 7 days...

Wtf? Do you really have to restart the host machine once a week?

  • 8
    If they're prod, they should definitely be patched about once a quarter. Every 90 days or so.
  • 6
    @bahua one of our prod servers
  • 4
    @ThatPerlDeb yes i stole my own image.. also we got like 5 of those uptimes
  • 3
  • 7
    Here I reboot my servers once a month. Once a week is a bit much IMO, but it allows kernel patches to be applied quickly. Provided that there's a second redundant server for each, this is good practice. Having a server running for a year without security patches on the other hand... My "security teacher" used to be like that too. She was an idiot for managing her servers like that. And they wondered why they were getting cyber attacks all the time... Makes me wonder if she'd maintain her p*ssy like that too 🙄

  • 2
    @Condor do you lowkey give free tickets to join her slutty pussy party?
  • 1
    Coming to think of that makes me feel disgusted
  • 1
    @-ANGRY-CLIENT- the sakurity teacher there? Nah you wouldn't want that, way too old 😛 she was already in her late 40's I think. She looked kinda hot when she once came to class in a sailor outfit though.. but that's about it. Flat as a washboard, kinda old, personality was a bit of a meh, etc etc.
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