
What computer language should I start with to learn programming?

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    Joke aside, find a language that's popular around you so you can ask when you stuck or find one that suits your liking. Otherwise get a book
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    Thank you zarcg
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    C since a good amount of languages are based on its syntax
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    There are really two approaches to this. You could go for a really high level language like python, which reads a lot like pseudo code/English and isn’t too difficult to learn syntactically. That’s more of a top down approach, as you’d later learn lower level languages. Alternatively, you could start low with C (or C++ for the OOP), which would give you a more fundamental understanding of how things work. Personally I started with Java, which was kinda nice because it’s a middle of the road sorta approach. Whatever you pick, you’re not locked into it so don’t stress it too much
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    @Orni this is not stack overflow.. 🎭
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    Pick a (small) project and learn a programming language to implement it. You'll be motivated on the long road, but the programming language itself doesn't matter
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    It's easy to learn the basics

    Just don't get bad habits
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