
This is how fucking evolution works.

  • 11
    Oh, we also have flat earthers, antivaxxers, climate change deniers and creationists... But yeah, the guy who invented meetings is the worst evolution could come up with 😤
  • 6
    That escalated real quick!!
  • 1
    35 million years is a bit too recent, considering the dinosaurs went extinct only around 65 million years ago
  • 1
    This is. How not to do evolution. People. Attention please.
  • 1
    @Krokoklemme there is a theory that when dinosaurs died due to that giant meteor, all the water resources on earth dried up and then again somehow water came to earth due to icy meteors in solar system. I wonder why the fuck earth was choosen for all the shit in the entire solar system. 🤔🤔
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