
And in one foul swoop I am unemployed with bills due, an engagement ring to pay off and medical shit... This is fine

  • 8
    Life in a sentence.
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    Jeez how much was that engagement ring? I’m planning to spend like $1,500 for my girl’s ring but that can be paid off in a month
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    good luck buddy, stay strong! such bad times will luckily not endure forever!
  • 7
    @growling $1200 AUD, only have 275 left to pay off and have that already budgeted for, one demon down I guess!

    @2erXre5 cheers mate. Off to see my old workplace, they miss me and I miss them so fingers crossed!
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    Eesh! Best of luck.
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    Life's shit hitting a fan sometimes, you just gotta stink through until you find the next lake.
    Wish you all the best✨
  • 3
    That's a lot for a ring.
    I guess by now I'd be fine with a 10 bucks silver ring or something.
    Friends of mine got married with super cheap rings . They couldn't afford more. Makes a fun story though.

    Life is shit. It will get better though and I'm sure you'll find a job again soon :)

    Can't your girl help you with th bills in this situation?
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    @hasu yeah she can and already offered but it's a last resort for me
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    @lxmcf why last resort?
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    @hasu Gold is precious, silver shiny, but steel prevails.

    "Steel is strongest, so say we all" (Manowar) ^^
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop i think my bf would go for either rosegold or copper. He likes these colours a lot.
    Yeah had an engagement ring once. Was expensive af, like 700 bucks or something and it got scratches so easily it was dissapointing.

    Usually they just plate them with fancy metal so they last longer, are more resilient and are cheaper.
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    @hasu don't like relying on others for anything
  • 2
    Very sorry to hear that. Wishing you the best.
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    Sorry to hear that man, we're rooting for you! We know you'll find an even better gig before you know it! :)
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    @lxmcf well in my opinion in a relationship one should be able to trust and rely on one another so I wouldn't hzve a problem with it I guess.
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    @hasu oh I can trust and rely on her but I'm always like that, don't want to make my problems leak into someone's elses
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