
Everyday strugle.
Go to work, go home all motivated like: oh once I'm home I can do this and that to finish my work, and it's fun and interesting. Or I vould study, or clean up, I'm totally gonna do something usefull!
*once home*
Ohhhh look league of legends! Or bed! I'm too exhausted to do anything usefull. Better chill.
Anyone else?
Anyone got advice for how to combat this? T_T

  • 3
    Dunno going through same thing.
  • 0
    @1989 i struggle with that a lot. Like even if I set time aside for it, I end up doing something else instead. I have 0 descipline at he moment. This is partially due to constantly waking up with hadaches..T_T
    I used to have an app for this but I kinda just didn't use it... hm. Maybe I'll try again.
  • 1
    here's my experience for this case, all thanks to my wife : those tjingx i end up feeling to tired i'm always going to be tired so wtf just do it like that at least it's progress not stagnation, those i hate to do i find new athlitically challenging ways to do them like leg and ab crunches when doing the dishes, whenever i get something like that i try to force my mind into rapid switching so i can't get birred if doing one thing for too long....hope it helps you guys
  • 1
    Mh, headaches and issues with focus - maybe leaving out carbs could be worth trying, at least the short chained ones like sugar and white bread.
  • 1
    Going through the same thing T.T any helpful advice would be appreciated.
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