best way to learn python??

  • 11
    Cutting it in a symmetric manner, and observing all the pieces closely.

    However, make sure you avoid head section for 2-3 days.
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    Maybe I’m just to senile, but wouldn’t the official docs be a starting point for any language?
    Once you get past the hello world and basics, move on to “language + tutorials”

    Practise and research is all you need.
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    I can recommend this 2 youtube playlists, that's how I learned python.


  • 3
    @C0D4 agreed. In all of my years of writing shit code I normally find myself just sticking to the official docs for learning new things.

    As a side note, if op finds the docs too advanced he can always resort to the great byte of python by swaroop
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    @AleCx04 I’m the same, they usually cover the basics to some extent. Yes there are better ways of doing something but when your only starting out why do you need to know what the more advance programmers do from day 1?
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    @C0D4 The official python docs are a TERRIBLE way to learn python, especially for someone that feels the need to ask this question. They aren't bad, but they definitely aren't for newbies.

    Also, they are often bad. I lied.
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    Best way to learn python is to fuck around with it and google many things. It's a programming language, so really the question is what do you want to do with it? Web dev? Scripting? Data science? Or just learn basic syntax? Need more details to answer this question appropriately.
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    Reading and actually coding in python ?
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    @Jakuho That's a fucking ridiculous suggestion you should be ashamed of yourself ~_^
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    @catadoxa oh no! :0 *remove python from known language in profile*
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    @Jakuho Just replace it with snek snek. If we don't keep snek snek on the downlow javascript engineers will realize how easily python objects translate to javascript objects that they will fuck snek snek up with FRAMEWORKS built in NODE somehow ...
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    write a pseudocode and then rename it with .py extension
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    Welcome to Devrant! And also to programming, I assume?
    Python is indeed a great place to start.

    Seeing as many good options had already been suggested, I'll just add one important rule to remember:
    Don't reinvent the wheel!

    Every single thing you might need, big or small, is likely to already exist out there for you to import. Either from the standard library, or from the internet. Try pip if you haven't yet!

    Also don't forget to import this
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    Learnpythonthehardway is what got me started
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