I just got a response from a recruiter saying that I didn't pass the screening because "they need people with degrees". Why the fuck didn't you mention that in your job requirements before wasting my time? Fuck recruiters and their degrees!!

  • 10
    a company that requires a degree is a company not worth anybody's time.
  • 2
    I agree with SukMi... the commenter with the dangerous name. If the company requires degrees their priorities are not correct. I believe most of the big companies like Google, Microsoft, Amazon don't care about degrees anymore. It's all about what you know and coding experience.
  • 4
    Degrees aren’t shit

    Also kudos to your fucking name @SukMikehok 😂
  • 1
    @SukMikeHok I wouldn't want to fly in an aircraft designed by self-taught former hobbyists. Then again, these are not jobs where people without degree would even try to apply.
  • 0
    @Fast-Nop i was talking about software engineering companies specifically. i think it would be a lot better to hire people based on the projects they have in their github account and past work experience, not a fucking paper that has a value less than a fresh dog shit
  • 2
    @SukMikeHok well yeah, and modern aircraft and even cars involve a lot of software that I wouldn't want to entrust self-taught PHP hackers.

    If you want to control real world machines via software, which is quite common, then you need solid knowledge of control engineering, which in turn involves 4th semester math like Laplace transformation to get it right. I have yet to see a self taught coder who even knows what that is. That's why companies who require degrees aren't automatically useless.

    For those jobs where a degree isn't actually relevant, a Github repo can work fine indeed. That's also what Google, Amazon and Facebook have understood.
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