
JSX is ugly

Sorry if there’s not enough context, I don’t know what to put there

  • 5
    JS is so ugly
  • 6
    Same feeling when I started reactjs.

    VueJS ftw
  • 3
    @const vue js is beautiful, but my company are leaning towards js framework so it’s still a good news I guess
  • 2
    @devTea at my new job we do both but I'm stuck with react-native for time being
  • 8
    I really like jsx
  • 5
    JSX is lovely.
  • 1
    To be honest I don't understand jsx yet. But I like Vue pretty damn much.
  • 3
    JSX + Typescript = verbosity, consistency and stability :3
  • 6
    jsx says finally goodbye to all those fucking wastes sent from hell called templating languages.

    It requires some getting used to, sure, but it really is the most efficient way to write a ui.
  • 1
    @notAnkur maybe one day I’ll fall in love with this
  • 2
    DevTea transfered from female to male

    ( 0 _ 0 )
  • 3
    @import-fun I’m just you in a suit
  • 3

    That's why I have trust issue
  • 3
    I honestly prefere html templates over jsx. If you write components cross compatible between react native and react js, then I get why you want to put markup in js. Otherwise I just don't.

    Js was never ment to be a templating engine for html (php was though, with a C backend originally :P)
  • 1
    Separation of concerns is a beautiful thing.

    Mixing everything together in some gooey soup is not only ugly but plain disgusting.

    JSX is garbage.
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