
Not sure why Microsoft named their string CString.

It's hard to find an appropriate result in Google about it.

  • 2
    Well, if they named it GString, they'd be in a bit of trouble.
  • 1
    Oh. Just searched CString.

    I now see why this too is relevant.
  • 1
    @iamomicron Have you searched for CString? It's not better either. Why not MString :/
  • 2
    @iamomicron Yap, should have known it's not safe for work. Almost opened it in front of my manager.
  • 1
    @iamomicron Oh sorry didn't realise both of them were your comment. Debugging is fucking my brain a little bit now
  • 0
    If I search for CString I get all the Microsoft results, have to actually enforce finding the "alternative".
  • 1
    @mgehlen Google tailors it's results for you. You are so pure, you :3
  • 0
    ^ autocorrect wrote "it's", I swear!
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