
I made a GUI with Java swing and halfway through I regret not using JavaFX. 😑 or maybe I should learn QT...

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    Qt sucks... Don't do it...
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    Learn from the experience, and never look back (unless required).!
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    please don't use java for the gui, my eyes hurt every time i have to look at one of those java apps.
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    @heyheni JavaFX doesn't have the same appearance as swing though? isn't it more inline with the OS's native appearance?
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    @codeclod ya, I doubt I'll have to go down that path but it'd be nice to learn just in case.
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    @Trejak Don't get demotivated from others. People like to hate Java nowadays.

    Learn JavaFX. Forget about swing. You have access to css in JavaFX so you can style as much as you want. I made my uni project's app with JavaFX and it was beautiful.

    You could use QT as well which is also pretty good. But if you don't know c++ well then stick with JavaFX.
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    @Trejak There's an app called scenebuilder for JavaFX. You can get it from gluonhq. You can drag and drop gui elements on a canvas. If you have a lot of time then just code it instead.
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    Java apps look like complete crap. I'd advise against using Swing also, and maybe even abandon Java altogether. Never met a Java app that I liked.
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    @tahnik thanks, I'll check that out.
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    I've been working with JavaFX for a while and it's pretty good, but it has some quirks every now and then. Nothing you won't be able to overcome though.
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