
Developers must have an oath like "I solemnly swear that I would develop software that I myself would be happy to use.

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    The worst software to use that I've seen tends to be enterprise systems. Accounts, stock management, CRMs and such. Bloody horrific stuff.

    However, it's not the back-end devs fault that the company is too cheap to put some UI/UX on the team.
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    I don't agree with this statement. Depends too much on the developer's own notion of what is a good piece of code, not to mention their own ability to produce a good piece of code.

    Developers should commit to developing code that is easy for other developers to use and understand.
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    Correction : "developers must have an OAuth..."
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    @pixeltherapy it's not about UX or UI either. just count how many times have you come across one of these enterprise softwares that doesn't have a workaround or is structured properly. These software shouldn't require a one week course just to understand their basic functionalities yet they do. All because someone somewhere didn't gave a fuck. companies end up spending more on these get up to speed classes and supporting their buggy software without realising but refuse to spend on getting/developing a proper one
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    @ulaikamor brother you must "clean code" 😂
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    @flag0 when the software is so bad that you want to call to the company offices to leave a flaming turd-bag on their doorstep.

    But yes, insane architecture 'just because' is a systemic problem in some sectors.
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