IDE battle--- what is everyone using?

My main languages are- C# - laravel - node/angular - HTML/ CSS. And use git / aws.

I have used the following- and like / hate them all. :) but I want to see what others are using and opinions on them.

Visual studio- bla...
Sublime 2 & 3
Coda(s) 2 - 2.5
Mono develop

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    I used to use Brackets but I switched to Atom recently. Brackets had too many issues with slowdowns and sometimes refusing to open projects that were too large.
    (I mainly code in PHP, html, css, JavaScript and use git)
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    vim... for everything.
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    webstorm! though visual studio code looks pretty good, and I've been thinking of giving it a shot
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    C# & Unity: VS2015 w/ReSharper.
    Really the best and only option.

    TypeScript, HTML, Sass, etc: WebStorm.
    I've tried Brackets, Atom, Sublime, and the likes; but WebStorm is the only one I've seen that has extensive support for every major web language/framework. It's also pretty fast too. Atom was unbearably slow at times and would freeze often.
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    I currently use VS code and Sublime, I've tried pretty much everything and those are my favourites.
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    Visual Studio
    Notepad++ (only as a backup)
    ...and some others...
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    I mainly write code in JavaScript, typescript, php, html5/CSS (and sass), and C#. I use Brackets for websites and Atom for practically everything else. for my database class I have to program in either Java, C#, or C++ and since I chose C#, I typically do assignments related to that class with Xamarin using MonoDevelop (for GUI development)
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    Code::Blocks for when I need to practice my C++, CLion otherwise. IntelliJ for Java, Atom for anything Web related.

    I've tried most IDE's but I find that these are the most pleasant to work with.
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    try IntelliJ Rider for C#, it's still in alpha / EAP, but it's preety cool :)
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    I mainly use VS for C# and IntelliJ for Java. For other stuff I usually use VS Code or rarely Notepad++ for smaller things.
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    IDE: Xcode and Android Studio
    Text editor: Sublime on desktop, Vim on servers
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    VS with vim plugin for c++
    IntelliJ with vim plugin for Java

    For everything else Vim
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