
Life goal: go to sleep in the same day I woke up

  • 4
    If you reach this goal, report back and tell me what it's like.
  • 2
    hey guys, you go to sleep on the same day you (will) woke up every day!
  • 0
    Is that even possible?
  • 2
    Well I doubt you'll sleep 24 hours so you do just in the wrong order, but if you do manage to go to sleep before midnight let me know how that works. haven't did it since before 8th grade
  • 0
    Reporting back: Mission failure once again
  • 0
    At first I was like "I do this all the time" the I re-read it and realized that I wake up the same day I go to sleep
  • 0
    I just happened to have the luxury of going to bed and waking up multiple times in the same day!
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