
So far one of the biggest challenge for me is if I should spend my money on a girlfriend or computer components.
I am getting a £1400 pc soon

  • 3
    right call. ur pc will help to earn more so that u will be able to spend that on ur gf
  • 7
    A girlfriend won't make you any money, but a computer can. Start off by getting a good computer that you can use for development. Once the money starts coming in, you'll be able to buy as many girlfriends as you want.
  • 3
    Let me guess £1300 of it is going into your GPU?
  • 2
    My girlfriend insisted I buy myself a nice gaming PC this year after I kept postponing it for sensible stuff.
  • 1
    I don't have a girlfriend so i can spend it all on my new 2000 dolla pc whoop whoop
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