
Is there such a tool as "online/offline code editor" that can open folder/files on linux server?

  • 4
    vim :3
  • 2
    Maybe use a filemanager, that can mount remotes directories over ssh,
    And then edit them with a normal code editor.
  • 1
    Depends if you are using Linux or windows you can use the built in file managers to sftp into the server and then use whichever text editor you use anyways 🙂
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    @alconblue I forgot to mention "cross platform" in my question 😬
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    @NoMad windows?

    // I don't worry about license too much 😝 gonna pirate anyway
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    @NoMad anything can pirate in my country 😝 from my experience hehehe.
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    @cursee Pirating software is a dick move.
    Someone put work and effort in it and maybe needs it as an income.
    Most of the software is very cheap when you consider the hours used/money factor.
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    @Kirito-kun yeah but unless I'm sending the dollar bill using DHL, I can't send to those license sellers from my country.

    Things are only starting to improve here.

    Pirating has an age range.

    Most people pirate only when they were in student lives or have poor income. Once they have stable income, they usually pay the price.

    And then there are those who have no choice but to pirate to use something.
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    Use a git server.
    Just send and get what changed
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    @demiDev that's auto deployment :3
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    @cursee vs code has an extension for what you want
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