Wanted to build a quick app, thought would be an hour tops. Lets use react native, why the fuck not.

Now after 4 hours im sitting here, wondering why the fuck did i have the great idea of ever touching rn again.

  • 1
    I am running away from react native too. I feel you. Do you have any suggestions for other native cross development frameworks? I am coding with Xamarin at work and I kinda like it.
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    @hack no

    Both for suggestion and xamarin
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    @sharktits why "no" to Xamarin? Just because you say so or do you have any arguments?
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    @hack flutter but i abandoned flutter because its in beta and there are bugs along with features u can not make compared to in native
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    @SukMikeHok if you say it's buggy Its no from me. I don't like to mess with framework, language bugs. It causes too much mental damage.
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    @saabye it has 20% of the features i want to use and xaml is garbage
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    RN is cool if you understand React!!!
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    @leksyib homicide is cool if you understand overpopulation
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    @sharktits well....shit
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    Have you tried codenameone? Its in Java, but honestly it feels better than using the shit Android native API.

    I dig Flutter tho, have yet to experience any bugs and Dart is cake.

    R.N is ok, but i would rather use it as a last resort.

    Companies here in the U.S are adopting it like crazy since its very comfortable to consume apis with it.

    We are pretty much fucked in the world of mobile development.
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    @AleCx04 worst part is that i wanted to make a tiny app to monitor my calorie intake (yes like 1 button and a text file), idgaf about mobile development anymore

    Ill check out codenameone, has a goofy name lmao
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    @CryptoNode no such thing as objectively best and you should pick the tool for the job, change my mind
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