
Today i faced a "bug" which caused an element not to trigger a Bootstrap 3 accordion by klicking on it. Only on iOS/iPhone - Desktop and Android worked fine.
The actual problem was that almost the same structure worked fine on another website...
took me about 3 hours to figure out that the element which was supposed to trigger the accordion needs the css property 'cursor: pointer;'.
why the hell does a touch device, which got no coursor, need this property?!

  • 3
    Empathy. I once wrestled with a display issue that only existed in Internet Explorer. Two elements weren't spacing properly, and hours later the fix ended up being to remove the white space between the two HTML elements within the HTML markup. Wtf. I hate you, Internet Explorer.
  • 1
    Because Safari.
    ( takes mental note 📝 of the bug )
  • 0
    Font size of 0px on the parent
    Reset font size to 1rem in the children

    Now you can display inline-block elements and it won’t care about white space.
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