to be really honest rm is the sketchiest command on Linux for me. I'm always double checking if it is really what I want to be doing.

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    sudo rm -rf /

    BOOM !
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    dd is another cunt to look out for
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    Disk destroyer
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    @bahua hahahaha great one, thanks
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    in .bashrc, alias rm='rm -i'
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    rm isn't part of bash. It's part of the GNU coreutils.
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    Sure, but your advice is for people to learn bash, when what I suspect you really meant was that people should make an effort to learn the basic concepts behind using the command line.
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    @bahua To be technically pedantic the shell does the globbing, so you need to be familiar with both.
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    I never said that it's not a good idea to familiarize yourself with whatever shell you're using.
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    @rantOverflow I feel you missed the point and started a rant about absolutely nothing
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    C'mon dude , you never second guessed? even when you where dealing with that server that would be a bitch to get the files from the backup?

    It's not about not knowing what it does, it's about the trouble if you make a mistake
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    I wish rm had a recycle bin in case I didn't mean to rm...
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