Interviewer: So here are the technical tests. You have 20min.
Me: We agree I can use the internet?
Interviewer: No, sorry.
Me: Good, I'll make you pen&paper websites then. Seriously!?

  • 12
    Years ago, in another company, there was a day where stackoverflow was down.

    General comment? "Well nobody codes today"

    I felt sad that day.
  • 2
    I do tech interviews for my company, and we allow people to look up documentation if they need to during an interview. Seems like common sense. I'm not grading someone based on their memory of some language-specific API. If they open stack overflow during an interview though...
  • 0
    I can see how detailed knowledge about specific things are important in a sometimes time sensitive work (systems administrator for instance), but not for developers...
  • 2
    This reminds me of a code test I had from an agency but by way of a recruiter. He sends me the test which was build a web page with mobile first no use of any library. Then a test to create an API call to twitter searching for a hashtag and if nothing found search dictonary.com. He said it would take an hour. It certainly didn't take an hour for this and also I came to find that dictionary.com doesn't have an API. Sometimes I wonder who makes these tests and what they are thinking.
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