I know this guy through some mutual friends that tries to brag about everything he does that involves a computer in some way.

One time (probably 4 months ago), he used inspect element to replace the text on the Google homepage with like Amazon versions (Amazon mail, Amazon drive, etc), then proceeded to take a picture of the screen WITH HIS PHONE and show every single person he saw.

Every time I talk to him, he always brings up some pointless thing he did to make it seem like he knows what he's doing. But whenever I mention some more specific stuff (today I mentioned Linux), he claims to know exactly what I'm talking about but quickly changes the subject to something about his car (he drives a Jeep and has to let everyone know, like an Arch Linux user)

Dude just claims to know everything there is to know and can't back it up and it gets more annoying every fucking day

Anyone else ever have to deal with someone that clearly don't know a ton, but knows just enough to be dangerous/annoying as fuck?

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    One of my coworkers is like that.

    I can mention some obscure(either ancient or really new) tech such as a language ir whatever and

    "In have heard of it but have not used it" bs

    I make up shit from time to time and his replies are the same. I know he is full of shit because of that.

    Its also coming from the same dude that was reinitializing a variable and then wondering why he was getting some weird side effects in his very shitty js frontend code.
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    @AleCx04 I sometimes make shit up with this guy too, just to see how he responds to it.

    One time he brought in a Raspberry Pi with retropie (which I won't even rant about right now). I watched it boot up, with all the systemd initialization shit. He then proceeded to tell me that it's not running Linux in any way, shape, or form. Apparently he thinks that retropie is its own operating system lmao
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    sounds like the entire American left right now.
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    @mjones44 what politics has to do with this?
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    @AleCx04 you haven't seen shitty frontend code until you see mine
    Imagine a HUGE pile of shit. Now top it off with a cherry. Take another dump on it. Compress it. There you go, that would be my js.
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    Had this same situation, someone discussing penetration testing, obviously everything he knew came from Swordfish.

    I find that these people are actually just crying for help. It is your job to save them. They are begging for someone to humble them.

    After like a 3 hour back and forth of me abusing him with the limited but real knowledge (and there was 6 other people in the room who knew nothing so were just siding with him cos his was fantasy and reality isn't as fun).

    Week later, run into him again, he apologised and told me he looked it up and all the stuff I said was true. Been cool ever since.

    So..in short, take the challenge and have fun exposing his ignorance
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    @Orionss the American far left claims to know what is best for everyone and shames you if you disagree with their narrow minded viewpoint. that was the comparison I was making.
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    @mjones44 we should not fall in political debate, but... I'm not in America but in France, our politics are a lot influenced by yours so maybe it's near the same. I won't even talk about the far right, but the right is exactly the same. Well, I could argue, but... Not on devRant
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    @Orionss I agree but the mainstream media in America right now is far, far left. also, it's okay to have a civil discourse.
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    @mjones44 well if you're talking about BuzzFeed or Huff Post, yes. It's far left SJW
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    Here's a little quote from yesterday actually: "SSDs are slower than hard drives"

    To which I said: "If you really think that, you're VERY misinformed. Just go look at any benchmark comparison between an SSD and a mechanical hard drive"

    Also @mjones44 I agree with @Orionss that this is not the place to argue about politics.
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    @infernalempress wasn't arguing tho. I started an observation. it's okay if you don't agree with it. that's fine. not gonna argue about it.
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    @mjones44 My apologies then, I guess I misinterpreted what you said.
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    @infernalempress no worries, much love
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