
Trust me this is not a coincident.... And only two people in the whole department know what this monster really did. Thank god i never had a professor like him.

  • 1
    How do I need to read this?
  • 3
    How is that graded? The total just doesn’t line up with the letter
  • 3
    It should be D's and C's :/
  • 2
    How... Do you fuck up like this....
  • 2
    No, that's a 10-point curve :)
  • 3
    @Artemix A letter value is assigned to the numbers.

    Most people now use the 10 point scale, which is what is in the picture.

    The plus and minus are thrown in there. I think they're based on like 3 points or so. But I don't know, because in my eyes, an A- is an A and that's all that matters.
  • 2
    @Artemix No. It stops at F. Anything below 60 is a failing grade.

    And the answer for the + and - is in my other comment. (I edited it immediately after posting lol)
  • 3
    @Artemix The feeling's mutual when I look at the other grading systems.

    In reality, it's all meaningless numbers that "determines" our intelligence. But it's the norm so I couldn't give a rats ass about if it changes, tbh.
  • 1
    Ahhh familiar grading system. Went through this one since high school.
  • 1
    Uhh.. what did he do?
  • 0
    I hate grading system.
  • 1
    Is it perhaps that both 70s and 80s are marked "B"?
    Going by the plusses and all 80s should be B+.
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