

I hate family meetings!
I'm youngest in the whole family, everyone have a job but I'm just student in first year on uni.

Almoust everyone treats me like a child and ask me questions about school. I hate it!

Plus my mom brought MY electric guitar (cheap ST imitazion from second hand) which I have only for a year, to aunt's husband, WITHOUT EVEN ASKING ME! OK, he played a guitar and he had a band but still, IT IS MY GUITAR YOU SHOULD ASK ME FIRST!!!

Also I don't have time for practicing, so I'm not very good at it, I was so embarrased when they want me to play somethig.


Sorry for my english.

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    I have a cheap acoustic guitar since 2010 and I can play only one scale.
    Whenever someone ask me to play I say I am professional guitarist and play only for money. (In a light way, as a joke)
    I am not embarrassed at all.
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    I'm embarrassed because I'm forced to play and I know only three chords (which took me some time to play) and few riffs which I tried to learn some basic songs.
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    How old are you?
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    Your english is pretty good bro.

    Also don't worry, if you like it and keep practicing you will eventually git good.

    I have been playing since I was 9, but my rich grandparents had me in music schools so there is that. It is much harder to do by yourself. Just keep going at it.
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    @AleCx04 *get 😉
    I get surprised to see how our autocorrect reveals a lot about us.
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    @rookiemaverick it was completely intentional. A small language pun on our beloved git
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    Family is the worst.
  • -1
    So let me get this straight.

    Of the 9 billion or so people or so in this planet most of which live in poverty, you have a family that loves you, you are getting an education and your mom bought you a guitar

    Fuck dude, sorry to hear about your luck
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    1) I bought the guitar for money which I earned

    2) I admit that I overreacted but I was really pissed off because she did not ask me and I needed to calm down.
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