  • 30
    Lol I love the first comment to the post 😂
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  • 4
    Love it 😅😂😂
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    But do they? 🤔
  • 3
    Can someone from canada confirm?
  • 6
    can't help but hate when people code in whatever their non-english language is ☺ im not even a native speaker but i find it really annoying to have random bits like variables or methods or functions in some obscure language while the rest of the freaking language use english mostly (the rest being operators or specific syntax) ..
  • 4
    @KennyTheBard Only because you don't understand that language (and if you have to read that code as a non-speaker, it is of course wrong to use this language). But for them, if all of them speaks it, it is VERY handy to have two languages at hand.
  • 3
    @Benedikt i understand your point, but while i was talking about obscure language i referes to mine also (mostly mine) as i work in my native country and few programmers here come from foreign countries.

    what i am trying to say is not that is bad to be proud of your language, but programming is already (at lest in verbose languages such as Java) english oriented, and it would be a good practice to keep it that way; you know, like code style consistency 😁
  • 3
    @KennyTheBard If foreigners have to understand the code, local languages are never a good idea.

    But I disagree with the last bit. If consistently used for all own things, using another language than English seperates very clearly your code from language- or API-specific code. With error codes this is even more obvious, as everyonce can directly see if the exception was thrown by your own routine or some internal.

    Maybe languages with other writing systems like Russian or Hindi doesn't look that good aesthetically. But with Latin alphabet (in my case German) I never had a problem, it integrates very well visually.
  • 1
    @Benedikt romanian too is close to latin characters only, but i still believe that such things as clarity and origin should be independent of language for region portability reasons and so on.

    But i see your points at least as valid as mine so lets agree to disagree 😃
  • 4
    @KennyTheBard I agree to disagree. 😃

    Maybe some languages are better suited to be used with (English) programming languages than others. In German for example I rarely have to use CamelCase or underscore_names because nearly everything can be a full word, which is much faster to read. While English variable names read more like sentences, German ones are real words (recognised by the brain at once).
    Furthermore German is very specific and exact. Name conflicts are no thing.
    Perhaps we only made different experiences on this manner.
  • 1
    @Benedikt certainly. german is a trulu efficient language
  • 0
    SomethingEh sounds like a a good naming scheme for Optional<?> types!
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