
My working day is 9-18. What's yours?

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    7 to 16
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    8:30-ish to 16:30-ish
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    I used to do 9-16 😂
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    0830 1700 leave at 1800 most days
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    When the difference is 8 hour, it means that you have just a little break for lunch, right? Otherwise I feel enslaved
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    @crisz if it’s America you have to take at least 30 mins lunch if you work 6 contiguous hours (EDIT: it seems to vary by state but the general idea is the same)
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    07:30ish to 16:30ish with an hour lunch taken sometime between 11 and 13; Monday to Friday, excluding 9 (I think) holidays.
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    @Orni if you are hourly. California has rules that treat salary as hourly unless your salary is above a certain amount.
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    0700 to 1930 if you count travel, else 0830-1730
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    8-19, plus 3h commute
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    Officialy? 9 - 18 with a one hour lunch break at 13.

    Statistically? 8:45 - 18:30 with a 30 minutes lunch break at 13:15.
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    But I can do whenever I want only I do my hours each month
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    8:00 am to 5:00 pm but when I have half day school 7:30 am to 5:00 pm
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    :-D I thought you just worked next week Tuesday
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    Officially 8:30-17:30.
    As the boss comes late and I can't get off my pile of overtime it usually is more like 8:45ish to 17:30ish.
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    @Jilano 36 hours a week is heaven, wish it was me 😭
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    40 hours here
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    @perotti do you have time, like, for living?
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    @crisz not really. Just a reality in Sao Paulo , Brazil.
    There are those who spend even more time in commute (up to 6hr daily, never will be my case and it's only for a really small minority)
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    Full time is 40h
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    8:30 - 18:00 plus on-demand production support
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    7:30 to 18:00/19:00.

    But in reality, whenever I want to when I've finished what was planned for the day
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    @Jakuho that sounds dangerous. If I would finish the day after everything planned was done I wouldn't go home at all...
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    @Sefie as i said, planned for the day. On an average project I split everything on day-work.. If i fail, I quit at 19h, my overhours aren't paid
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