Seeing as the python dev team are willing to take steps in the right direction I want to invite everyone ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF HISTORY to sign this petition, let's get this rolling, not for us but for the women in tech.


Please at least read it I bet it'll change you think about things. Please share.

  • 2
    You can't be serious... Right?
  • 5
    @SteffTek please take the time to read, it's time we truly change and shape the community we love so much but has committed so many injustices against women.
  • 1
    What about MariaDB , cassandra, Ruby ,Julia , Jasmin ..
  • 4
    @undefinedUser not enough obviously, other than objectifying women to serve you. Extremely misogynistic.
  • 13
    Anybody here been a victim of fire? I tried a lot but couldn't get myself with learning firebase.

    Now that I think about it, it must have been the name firebase that subconsciously triggered the traumatizing memories that prevented me from learning it.

    I'm sure especially victims of arsonists can relate to this.Also the name firebase sounds like a call to encourage arsonists.

    Let's join and get Google to change name of firebase.
  • 4
    @HoloDreamer I love your enthusiasm maybe after Guido Van Rose takes this important step all other tech companies start to take notice of their bias.
  • 2
    @undefinedUser these are clearly feminist and male non-inclusive not to mention other genders.
  • 1
    "Mainstream" women wouldn't give two fucks about this. And IT women are probably too smart to care about stupid shit like that.
  • 1
    Please stop. I can only stand so much sarcasm.
  • 1
    Read the spiel in the link, sorry I don't get it.

    Is this to do with the actual word Python?

    Or because Python3 could be mistaken for a penis?

    Or are we worried that we could end up with a Python 3 Network Information Server?
  • 3
    @Nhil the word python could be misconstrued as phallic and drive women away from IT, also python in Spanish is a slang for big D. That's the premise.
  • 1
    @JKyll then snek is no better as anything snake related is phallic :)
  • 0
    20% of our initial goal guys and going strong let's keep it up and share
  • 4
    @SteffTek @Condor dead serious, just decided to order my first custom dev related tshirt.
  • 2
    @JKyll ooh, nice 😁 I want!

    Btw just for shits and giggles.. "I'm offended by the word snek because it's also phallic" 🙃 after all, I put "sucking on the fleshy snek" in my rants all the time! I AM OFFENDED!!! 😂
  • 2
    @Condor 😂😂
    Sorry didn't saw your reply, the anime is dragon maid (miss Kobayashi character)
  • 2
    @JKyll ah, thanks! Seems like I've indeed already watched it, and saved it to my server. Guess I'll rewatch that one this evening then 😋
    (Well, this evening.. relatively speaking of course. 3am is evening, right?)
  • 2
    @Condor lol what a coincidence I published this rant 3am too, I watched some replies on other threads and HAD to. I guess it's the ideal time to blow some steam off.
  • 2
    Also we should make D change their name too then...
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