
/* MacOS source code
Copyright Snapple, Inc
Private and confidential */

void resumeFromSleep() {
if (rand() > RAND_MAX / 2) {
} else {

  • 3
    Slack works like that for me.
  • 2
    I honestly did not face that trouble for small sleeps like five to ten mins but if I come the next day ya it takes sometime but on a MacBook pro never saw it happening (at least my friends did not face that I don't have a MacBook)
  • 1
    Actually, it is just you. Never had this problem with my MBP in 4 years.
    Or with the mac mini we use at work.

    What kind of programs do you run that make the machine freeze? o.O
  • 1
    My company gave me a new MBP a week ago. I faced this problem at least 4-5 times already.
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