UAHHHH.... I feel like in the 90s....
It didn’t happen for a long long time for me but now Word (2010 for the people who want to know) crashed and my last two pages are lost...

Yeah yeah.... save often.... save early.... before you press the insert page number button... uahhhh

  • 1
    Word sucks and I have to use it for school. I press CTRL + S often, have lots of backups. That reduces the risk a tiny bit.
  • 1
    Lol when a friend of mine was writing his masters thesis in physics, he decided to use word than latex, after inserting a few HS images, word crashed and the poor dude lost the entire result chapter...he swore so loud and the neighbour called the police :(
  • 0
    When I wrote my computer science degree I used ms access and I can remember that it also crashed ones and I lost a lot code and hat to rewrite it again of course... ((
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