Why everyone has an idea for an app like UBER? I have received a lot of these requirements this year, and then...

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    It's the system's fault
    Seeders, entrepreneur courses, investors etc.

    All of them are going around telling people to pitch their ideas in "known terms", so everything ends up being "the uber but for .." "the amazon but for...", Get the point?
    Since uber is still the latest huge success everyone wants an uber like thing.
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    @mundo03 yeah and nobody has money for that hahaha
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    @FrodoSwaggins i agree.

    i am talking about those who attend these enetreoreneur shit courses and just follow blindly

    Funny enough, people that actually get shit done does not go to these courses
  • 0
    There is a “react-taxi-app-with-server-backend” floating around out there for $1500. Idk how good it is but it may be useful for your geolocation as a service inclined clients
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