
Hey hackers! 😀
Does making a camera disconnected from the network using deauth packets , mean the camera won't send any data to the sarver/admin?
Does that make the camera useless and made the camera disabled?

  • 0
    If that is true then hacking security cameras is fucking easy!
  • 3
    Thats not how deauth packets work, also most security cameras work on lan/ block packets on the network
  • 0
    @ganjaman i know but keep sending deauth do as disconnecting the device
  • 0
    @ganjaman can you explain more about block packets?
  • 2
    Thats a skiddie method and modern routers even have protection against it
  • 0
    @ganjaman wow!
    Router does not allow the attacker send deauth itself?
    So what is the proffessional way of doing this?
  • 1
    Depends on the type of camera, but ip cameras are relatively easy because you only have to redirect a http socket to your machine. If you look it up on youtube, theres a pretty good defcon presenter talking about this.
  • 0
    wtf are you planning?

    Remember to share with us a %.
  • 0
    @ganjaman thanks!
  • 2
    It depends on the camera, but it might be possible.

    Near the end of 2017, Amazon introduced the "Amazon Key" to enable access for delivery services. For security reasons, the delivery is filmed - as long as WiFi access is available. Turns out if the camera immediately uploads its data to an Amazon cloud, but dosn't record it locally. As long a WiFi-Connection is suppressed (e.g. by deauthing), nothing was stored or sent.

    (source: https://wired.com/story/... )

    Better IP-cameras store their videos locally and sent the recorded data when network is available again. And some routers have protected management frames to prevent deauthing.
  • 0
    @sbiewald is there any other ways? (Not deauth)
  • 2
    @R1100 If you are in the same network, you might try ARP-spoofing to redirect network connections over your computer.
  • 0
    @sbiewald can i stay annonymous with faking my mac?
  • 1
    @R1100 some cameras use an local buffer for data to be sent
  • 0
    @ralnivar what about the others?
    Do they send thair data ro an ezternal server or something?
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    @R1100 tell us what kind of fuck buddy you get in jail once you do
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    @JoshBent oh come on!
    Educational purpose ONLY !
  • 0
    @R1100 tell us what kind of education you get from him too, sure
  • 0
    @JoshBent allright ! You got me!
    Just feels cool to know how to do this.
  • 0
    @R1100 didn't sound like it, especially when you said WHY you want to know it
  • -1
    @R1100 screencapped in case you delete those comments for damage control
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    @JoshBent 😂😂😂
  • 0
    @JoshBent it's not like that 😂
  • 0
    @JoshBent now no evidence!
    Keep going 😂
  • 1
    @R1100 not sure you understand the word screenshot
  • 0
    @JoshBent oh crap 😬
  • 0
    @JoshBent you must be working for nsa
  • 2
    @R1100 just have dealt with enough headasses before to know what's coming next tbh, so a screencap is the first thing you'll do when somebody pretends to have a pure intent when fourish posts above it's clear that's horseshit.
  • 0
    I don't pretend I'm pure!
    I just wanna learn that's it!
  • 1
    @R1100 I used to hack for a living, and frequently taught it. But some people don't deserve to learn how. Or can't responsibly handle the knowledge.and I would always refuse to teach them. You can generally tell these people by the way they ask questions.

    You sir, are one of those people based on this thread. Also, please use the "question" tag.
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