
YouTube won't stop trying to shove this voter registration shit down my throat.

It's almost like they're scared of the election results or something lmfao

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    Paid ads is not youtube..
    Or Im missing something?
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    @carlosjpc No, it's not an ad before a video.

    It's a banner the size of a video.
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    The fuck is this?
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    Yup, YouTube and twitter I believe are doing this. Trump derangement syndrome is real folks. These big tech are doing everything to meddle in the elections because they are still buthurt that Hillary lost (with all the bias media on her side).

    Not to mention how some people at Google wanted to change the algorithms and add banners to Google that were against trump.

    It is a crazy world folks 😵😵😵
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    @MrCSharp It's fucking hilarious to watch these people stump over their own feet freaking the fuck out.

    That alone makes me want another 4 years just so I can laugh at those fucking idiots & have another election night of laughing my ass off at the people sensitive enough to cry because their candidate lost 😂😂
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    I'm not from the US, what is there to vote about?
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    @ohemelaar Midterms I think, they're voting a good chunk of congress and the senate.

    As an aside, I'm not sure inciting YouTube users to vote will improve the democrats chances, YouTube is also filled with tons of hardcore Republicans so it might backfire if that's their intent...

    It'd be interesting to see if logging into a Google account that consumes far right content yields the same banner.
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    @nanoandrew4 this is where it takes you when you click on it
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    @ohemelaar And as nanoandrew said, it's midterms for congressmen and the Senate, both of which are Republican majorities, which is the polar opposite of the liberal as fuck YouTube/Google.
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    @Stuxnet Socially liberal perhaps, but financially conservative as fuck. They want to look good, but still rake the cash in...
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