Console.WriteLine("Hello World, again!");

This will be a rough ride dual-wield a non-semi-colon lang (Py 3) and a semi-colon lang (C#). But oh well. I've already taken the plunge. Let's do this!

  • 8
    Lol, I regularly dual wield a semicolon (C++) and non-semicolon (Python/Lua) language, it's not so hard. Your brain context-switches pretty fast between the two.
  • 8
    C# is a very worthwhile language, and I think you'll enjoy it. Pro tip: instead of having to write a Console.WriteLine() to prevent the console from exiting out, use Ctrl+F5 to run the application vs just F5, which is to run debug.
  • 5
    You can use semicolons in python as well. It just looks ugly.
  • 1
    @RememberMe Really?
    @byogdc Thanks for the LPT!
  • 3
    Tip: insert this at the end of your Main():
    if (Debugger.IsAttached)
    Console.WriteLine("Press any key...");
    If it underlines Debugger in red, go to it, press ALT + Enter and insert the using.
  • 4
    C# is probably one of my favourite languages, it's simple enough to pick up but tricky and worthwhile mastering (I'm not there yet)...

    I'm using it for a few CLI apps at the moment, best of luck!
  • 0
    @filthyranter Insert the what?
    @lxmcf Thank you! OwO)/
  • 2
    @PythonTryHard what @filthyranter means is that VS will give you red lines when it detects you using something it doesn't have a reference to. By default, Debugger (part of the System.Diagnostics.Debugger package) isn't included in projects. When you get a squiggly line, use Ctrl+. to pull up recommended fixes and hit the import missing reference option or press Alt+Enter to automatically add the missing reference
  • 0
  • 3
    C# is something I would love to learn, but no use case for a good trial project
  • 1
    @BreadTrooper you should check out the .NET framework and ASP.NET features of C#. These two things make it really easy to make web projects and, even if you are not interested in pursuing a career using C#, it's a good resume builder.
  • 1
    Yeah I read about that, I think it's time to check it out!
  • 1
    Today I was moving between Scala and Js. Ended up not returning anything in js functions.
    And using single quotes for strings in Scala.
  • 0
    I did the exact opposite - tried out Python after using C# for years
  • 0
    They've changed it to brackets? Might finally give this Python thing a try.
  • 0
    Programming and language syntaxes are two different things.

    Once you are fluent in programming, using a specific language is a matter of knowing the syntax and libraries.
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