
When you are debugging code at work and run into things like this...

  • 9
    I admit that I've committed code with apologies before.
  • 0
    Probably never ever been fixed, dev can be though.
  • 5
    @capnsoup Me too, when I had to break MVVM design rules and do some work in the view. I wrote an apology letter to the gods of MVVM.

    Wonder if they read it.
  • 5
    I once found a goto label named: "i_cant_believe_i_used_a_goto" in some old code I waded through.

    Also functions named:
    "I_really_dont_want_to_do_this(...)" and the like.

    probably the same programmer
  • 0
    I just added "//TODO: O' horrid world!" on a double for loop due to double book keeping that I did. I wanted to express that I know it is bad, and intend to come back to it.

    But is the stench enough? Will it make the code reader doubt the behavior of the section? Unit tests are green.

    What do you think? Change the code to be less wanna-be humorous? Perhaps replace with a todo that gives an idea of what would be better?

    Now I'm rambling beyond tldr-comments, but a todo-list would in fact only show:
    56: TODO: O'horrid world.
    Quite inefficient description, I would say.
  • 2
    If you are debugging it, he probably left. 😞
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