
'lashed out' to a client for the first time yesterday.

Clients have the habit to call after tickets and while its annoying, it's manageable if it happens *sometimes*

It was happening the entire fucking morning and when a client called for an update about a ticket for the second time, I couldn't help but sound frustrated.

"how far are you with the ticket?"
"i have other things to do as well, you know, you're not the only customer i have to help right now"
"i understand, do you possibly have an eta?"
"no. You're next in line, is that clear enough?"
"okay" *hangs up*


He e-mailed me afterwards apologizing, that was nice.

I'm sorry sir 😥 nothing personal but it can become so fucking annoying sometimes.

  • 12
    I'm impressed that you're so calm about things, I would never last in your job for more than five minutes lol (assuming I ever manage to learn that much about Linux in the first place)
  • 7
    I admire your patience.. on our Facebook pages I'm usually like "you're an idiot that's wasting my time? Fuck right off!".. well at least I can justify it with lack of payment and the fact that hackers often act like that... 😅
  • 2
    Well played... seriously
  • 2
    I think you reacted well. It may sound harsh, but you didn't go full insult-mode.
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